*Cash level is at 798.5 due to dividends of 366 from KSH and 100 from UMS.
Excel Portfolio Continues to grow despite a horrendous and volatile October.
At End Oct, 6.84% Growth Since inception.
At End Sept, it was 4.06% Growth Since inception
With Ifast and Propnex being the key generators of returns. The rest of the stocks definitely retreated.
Among the news, KSH reported a profit guidance which is unsurprising due to the circuit breaker period.
In terms of market trends, there seems to be the usual fears of covid lockdowns, election fears as well as locally economic numbers such as unemployment is not healthy.
Traditionally a very volatile period, but it might not be bad to pick up bargains. Hopefully November would be better.
No changes will be made at the end of October. This is because i have not seen any thing that might make me decide to change any of the positions.